Thursday, March 1, 2007


The sunlight danced upon the fence line.
He ran, but not away, he always comes back.
She smiled, for on summer mornings, everything is fine.
Their personalities clash because many differences they lack.

He ran, but not away, he always comes back.
She wants to be closer to him, now he’s just out of reach.
Their personalities clash because many differences they lack.
He has anger issues but social skill she’s willing to teach.

She wants to be closer to him, now he’s just out of reach.
Her love has begun to include him though.
He has anger issues but social skill she’s willing to teach.
She sleeps in the sun as it shines through his window.

Her love has begun to include him though.
He has a digital perspective on what he sees.
She sleeps in the sun as it shines through his window.
He hides himself behind that screen, so alone he will be.

He has a digital perspective on what he sees.
She smiled, for on summer mornings, everything is fine.
He hides himself behind that screen, so alone he will be.
The sunlight danced upon the fence line.


Estrella Bella said...

I miss you. We need to talk more in 6th hour! I'm gonna make it happen.

**Kara** said...

I found my way home from your house! yaaa!! I see I'm number one! haha loves it!!!